This is a beloved belief I have.
The future speech list is found below. The writing here is somewhat changeable, as my politics are flexible.
The girls' schools page goes over the founding of girl schools within Afghanistan.
Examples. These are not set in stone. The only thing really that is, include the fighting arts. If that's all we get there, that's still everything and a joy tremendous.
With gymnastics there is balance in fighting found (balance beam), forwardness and creativity (floor routine), fighting perseverance to succeed (uneven bars), or outright crazy to struggle toward the win no matter the cost to self (the vault).
And with dancing there are freedom and rights and creativity. There are also things found like belief and feeling and knowing one can do certain things. One could even mix in some fighting into dancing to challenge and push toward confidence within belief.
A girl needs to feel free and have some fun.
The 2 hours of fighting arts each school day is likely the goal. I don't want to detract from this self-defense importance for her life. So this time needs to be filled with the simplicity of these life skills.
Want to stay and practice more? If a girl wants to stay after school, we could have open schools for the fighting arts to be practiced. Perhaps then, a single girl should be able to change up the school some, if she's the only one to return and practice after-hours. The school's fighting program setup may be able to allow this.
Potential. It is better to try here than do nothing.
On the backend, God and I, and we the people together, will work out ways to bring money to these areas. This is so she doesn't need to feel like it's all over, while having to leave these activities behind to return to normal life. A girl could earn some money through these wonderful things.
Question. Relevant to this, how much money does the normal Afghan bring in daily or weekly? We could very well open up something where art contests for example, could be held. A small admission paid by each attendant to support the youth. And a nice portion to go to participants, with the top tier of contest winners making a bit more.
This is a speech log for girls. These can be given later if ever President for America. Though this log is kept, there are other things not covered here. I would be in Afghan territory to support them for a while. If you're concerned over America, know I would communicate with our land there to know what's going on back home.
These are not in absolute order.
A girl shy, maybe quiet. A girl gentle, maybe unaware of life.
A girl feeling peace, maybe joy with hope. A girl with eyes downcast, but smiling.
No one of you needs to feel this is all impossible. We'll just work with the gifts you have. You have qualities and abilities unique to you, the sole individual.
You are here going to school for yourself. Your own future or hopes. You are unique to yourself. And if you want, there is community around you. Other girls and good-willed people to support your hopes.
And to take this a bit further, you can have a wonderful community here that feels strong about each other. For you don't want evil and bad things inflicted on the innocent or your own communities. Peace is desired.
And you have the same. It's called love of neighbor. This beats hatred and abuse and killing all days of the week.
You practice fighting arts. You go to school and you have great hope. You work some and study. You pray and hope. With all the joy and effort you put into these things, you don't let someone take away your joy or hope. You can decide your life, each of you as an individual. And as your communities, you can decide your lives.
Decide your life.
If later you have life, one day you'll be a woman.
The decisions you make here in school today and tomorrow can have a good reflection into the future. Like the decision to commit to some studying. Some of this studying includes the fighting way. You see, self-defense and fighting combat having a foundation in peace and commitment that can help you in the future when needed.
With the fighting way, you can know peace and patience in learning. Future self-knowledge and abilities could then be built on this foundation.
Getting back to the main topic, you'll want to be a free woman. Ability to fight in self-defense when you're young can help you if problems arise later. This can ensure you don't put up with abuse or hitting on yourself from bad individuals... now or later.
Yes, this means now. As a woman can, a young girl can too. You can learn not to put up with violence inflicted upon your innocent self. Good over evil. Understand... good over evil.
Look to the future about who you want to become or how you want to live.
You feel you cannot. How can you fight against bigger people? How can you possibly hope to succeed against enemies that want to control your life? How can you be truly free when it's just not possible?
To begin, look within the self, within the heart and mind. If you don't have these right then all skill and ability means nothing. Don't rely on the strength of skill more than believing from the heart and mind. Believing in freedom, rights, and the beautiful and higher things of life itself.
Without firm belief that freedom is worth more than money, any skill level you reach has weak foundation. Let's examine what this means. Self-defense abilities cannot give freedom of themselves. So build your abilities on having your mind strong in the worth of freedom. Then let skills follow after your inward self is correct. You see, if skills fail you in life, hopefully you will not put up with bad things inflicted on you, since your mindset is strong about your own worth. To state another way, this mindset is built upon self-reflection concerning your own worth, your freedom and dignity as a child of God for example.
With the right mindset, winning or losing the fight doesn't matter. It doesn't matter so much as giving it your all. And this is because fear doesn't take hold of you. You understand your self-worth.
But without the right mindset, winning becomes less worthy since you don't understand what you're fighting for. And losing becomes something to fear, since there's no purpose in taking a stand at all.
Freedom and rights and belief and love and courage. These things come before skill and talent and ability. The inward person before the outward expression. Beauty within first.
The film "The Shallows" offers a great comparison. It's very similar to your situation.
You are surrounded by danger.
Consider this a new or imagined script for the 2016 American film "The Shallows", now named "Woman Alone Stranded in The Desert". I'd like to show at least portions of the film, if not all, in Afghanistan. The time references include hours, minutes, or seconds.
8:14 - 8:40 All you need, indeed all you have to live with are a few supplies. And then life on the ocean, or in the desert. Your life is set against the backdrop of the ocean, a wondrous part of nature.
23:08 - 24:30 When you're young, life can be free or happy. But then reality comes along in Afghanistan, and hits you directly and forcefully. It has the ability to kill you outright, before you even understand what just happened.
So focus now, while you have life and are young. Learn in the school.
Learn to fight, then other things. Reading and writing and math won't necessarily save your life in a fight for your survival, dignity, and human rights.
28:54 The realization she is alone and that is life. A life lived in trouble and with danger all around. Nowhere to go or turn to. Though acceptance may lead to peace, it doesn't take away the reality of being alone, in trouble and apparently not in control of one's life.
30:18 Self-doctoring skills (cheap education, cheap tools, better than nothing). This is only one of the areas wished to be brought to the free woman in Afghanistan. While in school, studies about self-doctoring, and with available materials. Don't know if this requires a whole course hour of study (prob. not) but it can fit into her studies.
38:20 "He's still out there." Refers to your fear and dislike of existence, knowing he or they or supposed families are still there assuredly, seeking to control who you marry, where you go and much more. Refers to your worry or concern, even of giving up that things will never be different, and are near hopeless.
39:08 She gets into the water for the hope. The surfboard or instrument that could bring hope to turn things around somewhat is right there. However the most evil entity beast is also there, to hold the way. Apparently with no escape, she returns to the rock.
41:00 If you've ever had thinking about crying out for help to any other human being, you know odds aren't that good. It's just your lot in life is all. That's the way things are. In fact people that should've helped, whether false kin or family members, reveal themselves to betray you and your very life itself.
47:50 In fact, if a brother or kin-person were to try and help you with freedom or having choices in life, then wonder what would happen to them... likely nothing real good.
You tell me. Do you care about having choice. Let's take this even further. Do you care about having choices in your life? Or do you accept the statement, "That's just the way things are. I got no choice."
52:50 The video camera appearance. That's it, you may be able to get word out as a long shot. Say, through something that makes it to the youtube video section or another little paid-attention-to news story somewhere else. People just don't care out there. Likewise, it's just too hard to get word out. Trying too much to get things noticed doesn't equal any help or assistance. It's very sad.
56:50 Where to run to? Some buoy somewhere? Where to run indeed. Guess you just have to accept what life is dishing out... or do you?
1:01:24 ... (to be continued, possibly).
I know what you go through Afghanistan females. I've read, seen and witnessed. I know the stats of over 90% and the rest. Stats of sad things I won't now mention.
Hopelessness! I know what the heck this is.
Try to imagine the reality that I think myself the single best good politician in this American land. And then trying to reach people (stupid, stupid people) through magazines, media, or the government... and getting absolutely nowhere!
And then realizing I don't have the money it takes (supposedly), I don't have any influence yet (no media appearances), I don't have people who know I exist out there, I don't have hardly anything going my way.
It's just God and I right now.
Why would I continue?
But let's turn to you and your situation for a moment.
A girl or woman is not born into this world for having an empty will, abuse, violence, forced marriage, or family-dealt trauma and death. So it looks like you have some challenges too.
Maybe it's just also God and you, dear hopeless female.
Why would you continue?
I think... that there is purpose. What do you suppose? Good over evil? Hope over meaninglessness? Right over wrong? Virtue over sin? Bravery over fear? Life over death?
Why even try? Why would you continue?
What is that small flame of hope that pushes us forward? Do you experience that moment? I seem to have. And it comes when all seems lost and hopeless, when things are in darkness, when doubt turns your mind and heart away from the things you thought were possible if you just try and try. Perhaps it is a blessing to continue. Maybe our God above or the reason for our existence here, sometimes blesses an individual with a renewed outlook to try again or in some different way, toward that good result one wanted.
So for you Afghan female, maybe this isn't over. Your end simply cannot involve to be surrounded by evil and that's the meaning of life. Have any thoughts? Fight? Change the country?